About us
The Kentucky State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors was established by an Act of the Kentucky General Assembly in 1938 to protect the public health, safety and welfare. This is accomplished through the licensing and regulation of individuals and firms deemed qualified to practice.
The Board of Licensure is currently using GovDelivery, a contractor of the General Government Cabinet of the Commonwealth for email notifications of the Board of Licensure Report and advanced notices for renewals.
The 2024 Individual Online Renewal System is now open. For those whose last names begin with letters L-Z, renew your license by June 30, 2024.
The Board is self-supporting and receives no general fund tax dollars.
Regulation Changes
On July 22, 2024, the Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors filed a proposed amendment to the following administrative regulation with the Legislative Research Commission (LRC):
• 201 KAR 18:115, License reinstatement.
All affected individuals, businesses, or other entities are requested to submit written comments that identify the anticipated effects of the proposed administrative regulation amendment.
• 201 KAR 18:115, License reinstatement. Amendment. This amendment to an existing administrative regulation clarifies that the individual applying for reinstatement of his/her professional engineer or professional land surveyor license must provide sufficient evidence that is within his/her knowledge, possession, custody, or control to the board that he/she is qualified for the reinstatement of his/her professional engineer or professional land surveyor license. This amendment establishes the day requirement for requesting reconsideration of the denial of an application for reinstatement and the requirement that the individual applying for reinstatement set forth the reasons upon which he/she believes his/her license should be reinstated. The amendment also makes minor grammatical corrections to enhance clarity of the regulation. The amendment further makes corrections to regulation citations to conform with the recent amendments to 201 KAR 18:192 and 201 KAR 18:196. Public comments shall be received through October 31, 2024. A public hearing is scheduled for October 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, at the Kentucky Engineering Center, 160 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.
License Reinstatement (201 KAR 18-115) - LRC Filed Stamped 7-22-24 (1164KB).pdf
Information about the Public Hearing and Public Comment Period, including information pertaining to attendance at the public hearing and the submission of written comments, is outlined in the administrative regulation.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed amendments to 201 KAR 18:115, please contact Kyle L. Elliott, Executive Director, Kentucky State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, 160 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, phone: (502) 573-2680, facsimile: (502) 573-6687, email:kyle.elliott@ky.gov.
On June 27, 2024, the Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors filed proposed amendments to the following administrative regulations with the Legislative Research Commission (LRC):
• 201 KAR 18:010, Classes of applicants; • 201 KAR 18:030, In training certificates;
• 201 KAR 18:192, Continuing professional development for professional land surveyors; and
• 201 KAR 18:196, Continuing professional development for professional engineers.
All affected individuals, businesses, or other entities are requested to submit written comments that identify the anticipated effects of the proposed administrative regulation amendments.
• 201 KAR 18:010, Classes of applicants. Amendment. This amendment to an already existing regulation makes minor changes in wording to enhance clarity of the regulation and corrects statute citations in the administrative regulation. Public comments shall be received through September 30, 2024. A public hearing is scheduled for September 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, at the Kentucky Engineering Center, 160 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.Classes of applicants (201 KAR 18-010) - LRC Filed Stamped 6-27-24 (PDF 598KB).pdf
• 201 KAR 18:030, In training certificates. Amendment. This amendment makes minor changes in wording to enhance clarity of the regulation. Additionally, this amendment corrects the name of the examination provided by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying necessary for licensure as an engineer in training or a land surveyor in training. Public comments shall be received through September 30, 2024. A public hearing is scheduled for September 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, at the Kentucky Engineering Center, 160 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.In training certificates (201 KAR 18-030) - LRC Filed Stamped 6-27-24 (PDF 736).pdf
• 201 KAR 18:192, Continuing professional development for professional land surveyors. Amendment. This amendment addresses the following main areas of refinement: removes the process for pre-approval of continuing professional development, with the exception of the required 4 professional development hour (PDH) course in standards of practice for professional land surveyors, ethics, and the code of professional practice and conduct; places responsibility for pre-approval of the 4 PDH required course with the Surveying Committee of the Board; eliminates the necessity of the Continuing Professional Development Committee, which will no longer be preapproving continuing professional development; simplifies language regarding the number of professional development units to be completed per reporting period; changes carryover from 4 professional development hours to 8 professional development hours per reporting period to be consistent with the original intent of the regulation; defines the number of professional land surveyors audited as 4% to be consistent with proposed changes to 201 KAR 18:196 (continuing professional education of professional engineers); decreases the number of professional land surveyors audited to 4% so as to streamline the audit process; helps streamline a professional land surveyor’s ability to track continuing education in line with the requirements in other states; clarifies the reporting period for continuing education and defines calendar year; and makes changes to be more consistent with the continuing education program for professional engineers (201 KAR 18:196). Additionally, it makes some minor changes in wording to enhance clarity in other parts of the regulation. Public comments shall be received through September 30, 2024. A public hearing is scheduled for September 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, at the Kentucky Engineering Center, 160 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. CPD for Land Surveyors (201 KAR 18-192) - LRC Filed Stamped 6-27-24 (PDF 2702).pdf
• 201 KAR 18:196, Continuing professional development for professional engineers. Amendment. This amendment addresses four main areas of refinement: it decreases the number of professional engineers audited to 4% so as to streamline the audit process; helps streamline a professional engineer’s ability to track continuing education in line with the requirements in other states; clarifies the reporting period for continuing education and defines calendar year; and makes changes to be more consistent with the continuing education program for professional land surveyors (201 KAR 18:192). Additionally, it makes some minor changes in wording to enhance clarity in other parts of the regulation. Public comments shall be received through September 30, 2024. A public hearing is scheduled for September 24, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, at the Kentucky Engineering Center, 160 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601.CPD for Engineers (201 KAR 18-196) - LRC Filed Stamped 6-27-24 (PDF 1413KB).pdf
Information about the Public Hearing and Public Comment Period, including information pertaining to attendance at the public hearing and the submission of written comments, is outlined in each of the administrative regulations.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed amendments to 201 KAR 18:010, 201 KAR 18:030, 201 KAR 18:192, and/or 201 KAR 18:196, please contact Kyle L. Elliott, Executive Director, Kentucky State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, 160 Democrat Drive Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, phone: (502) 573-2680, facsimile: (502) 573-6687, email: kyle.elliott@ky.gov.