Frequently Asked Questions

Licenses, Permits and Degrees

I have an engineering technology degree which is ETAC/ABET accredited. May I apply for licensure in Kentucky?
Not with the ETAC degree only, Kentucky does not accept ETAC/ABET degrees for licensure. However, we do accept an engineering technology degree, ETAC/ABET accredited, followed by a master's degree in engineering program that is EAC/ABET accredited at the undergraduate or master's level. If you possess such an ETAC degree, but sat for the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination prior to 7/1/83, please contact the board offices.

Note - Some engineering technology (ETAC accredited) degrees followed by a master's degree may require an NCEES Credentials Evaluation.

Is a degree required for engineering licensure?
Yes.  Since July 1, 1983, an engineering degree accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (EAC/ABET) is required. If you are unsure about your degree, you may check it at 

How do I apply for licensure by endorsement?
You must have an NCEES Record and complete the online Licensure by Endorsement application which includes a $300 fee.  If you are licensed in a foreign jurisdiction, there is a different application and instructions under Licensure by Endorsement.

I have a foreign degree. Will my degree have to be evaluated?
In almost all cases YES.  If you have a degree accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board, an evaluation is not required. All other foreign degrees must be evaluated by NCEES Credentials Evaluations

Does Kentucky offer a temporary permit to practice engineering or surveying?

Do I need a permit for my engineering or surveying firm?
In most cases, YES.  If your firm is a corporation, partnership, or LLC you must obtain a permit. If you are a sole proprietor practicing under any name other than the name on your individual license you must obtain a permit.  If you are a sole practitioner practicing in the name on your individual license, you do not need a permit. 

I am a licensee considering the "inactive" or "retired" status". How will this differ from my current active status?
You will pay a $20 biennial renewal fee instead of the $150 fee charged active licensees. You will be included in all Board mailings and be allowed to use a title such as "Professional Engineer, Retired". However, you will not be allowed to practice engineering and/or surveying.

If I am "inactive" or "retired", what must I do in order to practice engineering and/or surveying again?
You must apply for reinstatement. The forms are available on this website. If you are a Professional Land Surveyor, you will have to complete eight professional development hours for each calendar year you were retired or inactive, up to a maximum of 32 hours.  If you are a Professional Engineer, you will have to complete 15 professional development hours per year up to a maximum of 60.

What is the difference between "inactive" and retired"?
There is no difference except for the title. You may choose either.​

Stamps and Seals

May I use an electronic seal on my engineering or surveying documents?
When documents are to be presented to a client or to a public or governmental entity, at least one copy must have the licensee's original stamp or seal, original signature and date. Any other copy may contain a facsimile of the licensee's stamp, signature and date applied manually or by computer.

May I electronically transmit documents with an electronic signature in place of an original seal, signature and date?
Yes, if the electronic signature is a unique identification of the licensee; is verifiable; is under the licensee's direct and exclusive control; is linked to the electronic document in such a way that any changes to the document are easily displayed; any attempt to change the document invalidates the electronic signature; and the document is transmitted in a read only format.


May I sit for the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination prior to graduation?
Yes, if you have at least 105 credit hours completed towards your EAC/ABET engineering degree.

What is the difference between the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) and the EIT (Engineer in Training) examinations?
None. It is simply a new name for the same examination.

Can the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination be waived?
No; the only exception being for certain engineering instructors in EAC/ABET accredited engineering programs.

When can I sit for the Principles & Practice of Engineering exam?
You may sit after graduation from an EAC ABET accredited engineering program and passing the Fundamentals of Engineering exam.  You will need to pass this exam and meet our other requirements such as the required years of progressive engineering experience before you can apply for licensure.  Passing this exam is not a guarantee of licensure.  

If I pass the Principles & Practice of Engineering exam before I have my required years of progressive engineering experience, can I apply for my PE license right away?
No, you must wait until you have fully met the experience requirement before filing an application.  Additionally, your NCEES Record must reflect that you have met the experience requirement.  Applications and/or NCEES Records submitted prematurely may result in additional expense to you and delays in issuance of your license. 

Continuing Education

Does Kentucky require continuing education (Professional Development Hours) for Professional Engineers? 
Yes.  30 hours every two calendar years. Those engineers who were licensed in Kentucky before 1972 are exempt from the continuing education requirements if they have been continuously licensed and have had no disciplinary actions. 

Does Kentucky require continuing education (Professional Development Hours) for Professional Land Surveyors?
Yes. Eight hours per calendar year.

Do professional development courses have to be pre-approved in Kentucky?

How often is a Professional Land Surveyor required to take the Board sponsored Standards of Practice / Ethics / Code of Conduct course?
Once during each four calendar year period.

Who is responsible for keeping Professional Development Hours records?
Each individual licensee.

Can I take a course that is not pre-approved?
Yes. Pre-approval of courses is not required.

When and how do I report my CPD hours?
You are responsible for maintaining your CPD records. On your license renewal form, you will be asked to indicate whether or not you have met the CPD requirements. If selected for audit, you will be asked to provide the supporting documents.

How are licensees selected for a CPD Audit?
There are several reasons why you may be selected for an audit, including (1) Random Audit, (2) Automatic Audit due to late renewal (on or after September 1 of the renewal year), (3) In connection with a disciplinary investigation.

If I receive a Notice of Audit, when and how should I respond?
You must respond within 30 days from the date of the Notice; failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.  You must submit a log showing the date of the activity, sponsoring organization, location, activity title, description, presenter's name and PDH units earned and attendance certification records in the form of completion certificates or other documents supporting evidence of attendance.

What happens if some of the CPD activities I submit are dissallowed?
If you provided documentation of the required number of PDH units, but some of those units are dissallowed because they fail to meet the requirements of the CPD regulation, you will be granted up to 180 days to either substantiate your original claim or earn other PDH units to meet the requirement.  Note that this applies only to PDH units submitted but dissallowed.  It does not apply in cases where a licensee fails to submit the required number of hours.​

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May I self-certify a Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan in Kentucky as allowed by the U.S. EPA without using a PE?
No.  In Kentucky, the certification of an SPCC Plan is considered the practice of engineering and therefore requires a PE licensed in our state.  The federal regulation only allows this option in states that do not prohibit self-certification.

Does 3D Modeling require a PE and/or a PLS?


The development of electronic engineering-related or surveying-related design data shall be subject to licensure requirements under KRS 322.  Development of data such as templates, cross sections, Digital Terrain Models, etc. to be used for the purposes of construction, earthwork, grading, mining and stake-out is within the definition of the practice of engineering under KRS 322.010(4)(a)1 and shall be done under the responsible charge of a Professional Engineer.  Any such data that establishes, reestablishes, locates property lines, locates real property rights or defines real property lot divisions and lot layout is within the definition of the practice of land surveying under KRS 322.010(10)(a)1 and shall be done under the responsible charge of a Professional Land Surveyor.


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